Thursday, October 16, 2014

Six Simple Snacks

Since surgery, I've really had to clean up my diet.  I was working out less and due to a bunch of reasons (depression, emotional eating, lack of exercise, just general not caring) I managed to gain 20 pounds since May.  I'm back on the wagon now, and really trying to over-haul my diet and exercise program! 

I'm a big believer in 5-6 small meals a day, which means I am pretty much always eating!  Hey, nothing wrong with that as long as you do it right!  I'm also a super busy chick!  I hold down a pretty demanding full-time job along with a second part-time gig at the gym.  Oh yeah...and trying to build a fitness business too, but I digress.  Sooooo...for me, simple, easy snacks are a must.  And let's be honest...I'm in no way a talented cook.  I thought I'd share some of my easy, go-to snacks for when you find yourself planning for a busy week.

I try to be sure these snack require little prep and can be easily carried around in a cooler.  I often find myself on the run when it's snack time so cooking or even heating is many times impossible.  Remember--these are fast and simple.  Please make educated decisions on what your specific nutrition needs are.

Snack 1:  Veggies & Hummus
Snack 2:  Cottage Cheese (fat free) & frozen mixed berries
Snack 3:  Oscar Mayer Protein Pack & fruit
Snack 4:  Greek Yogurt
Snack 5:  4 Egg Whites (from hard-boiled eggs) & fruit
Snack 6:  Meal replacement bar (be careful and look at ingredients to limit the artificial stuff!)

Yep, it's that simple!  What are you favorite "go-to" busy-gal snacks? 

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