Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday Five: 5 Blogs I Love!

I'm linking up again with the ladies from Eat Pray Run DC, You Signed Up For What, & Mar On The Run.  This weeks topic is blogs you love to read.  Well, obviously the three hosts are on my list, so be sure to check them out!  So, I guess it's really 8 blogs I are 5 more:

1. Maker, Mother, Marathon Runner

     If you ever lack some inspiration, head over to Kimberly's blog!  She is truly the coolest chick--and pretty bad-ass if you ask me.  Dopey Challenge while going through chemo--yep, like I said, pure inspiration!  This past Dumbo Double Dare weekend, my mom was on the same Disneyland tour with her, and to boot, she's a sweet, genuine person. 

2. We Run Disney

     If you love running, especially running Disney, you have to follow Pam & Christine.  Okay...confession time...I actually spent about 2 miles of the marathon this year walk/run/walking by them.  I am such a dork, and didn't say "Hi" because I didn't want to be a creeper!  Seriously...these two look like they would be so much fun to run with and I love their bond as mother-daughter.  Next race, I'm saying "Hi" for sure!

3. My No Guilt Life

     Patty keeps it real on My No Guilt Life.  She covers all things fitness, running, diet, and general fun.  I love how honest she is, and she's pretty darn funny too!  She keeps you guessing on what's coming up next, and sometimes I go there just to smile.

4.  Healthy Disney Family

     Denise has lost over 100 pounds and is currently training for her first Dopey Challenge.  I love keeping up with her training and she's always offering great tips, recipes, and the honest truth about weight loss (and maintaining a healthy lifestyle).  She is also super active on Pinterest and I re-pin her all the time!

5.  I Heart Organizing

     Huh?  Okay, well let me explain. Even though this is a running/fitness blog, I like to read other things too!  I stumbled upon this when looking up ways to organize my fitness clothes and I was hooked.  There are some really great ideas on here, and if nothing else, I can dream about a house that is this put together and organized.  If you're crafty or even just looking for some design ideas, check this one out!

So there you have it!  5 blogs that are on my follow list.  I can't wait to find some new blogs to add!  What's your favorite (okay, okay...your favorite OTHER THAN Disney Runs in the!)?


  1. Never heard of the last one. I need to check that out. Maybe that'll get me a bit more organized. -L

    1. That's what I keep telling myself too! Turns out I like to look at pretty pictures more than I like to organize, but it is motivating!

  2. oooooh that last one sounds great! great list :)

    1. I always look at that one and think "when I grow up, I want a home like that!" :-) I don't think I'll ever be that grown up!

  3. Thanks so much for mentioning me! I'm really happy to have found your blog too :) I need to check out the I Heart Organizing one, still unpacking boxes from our move last June, yikes!

    1. We all seem to be pretty good with fitness...but everyone needs the organizing! LOL :-)

  4. I enjoy reading about other people’s running experiences and tips.
