Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Let the Disneyland Half Craziness Begin!

If you've been keeping up with social media, the first piece if Dumbo Double Dare info leaked yesterday.  Yes, people, you can be a super sleuth and find your bib number!  Here's the link:

Now that you have the link, you have to be even sleuthier--you have to put your info in the URL to find the number: YOUR NAME replaces "Billy", and YOUR BDAY replaces "01 01 1111"  That simple! 

Okay, but what does it all mean?  Well super sleuth, that's where the real fun in stalking comes in!  runDisney has not released the corrals; we only know that there are 3 more corrals for the half and fewer for the 10k.  We can assume that there will be 2 letters on your bib; one for 10k corral, one for the half.  They did this for Princess last year and it makes so much more sense.  But let's be's all about your half corral placement.  So...for your speculating pleasure, here's last year's chart:
So, I gotta know!  What's your bib number?  Mine is 20691--could this possibly be my first (and let's face it...maybe only) time in corral A?  Or will runDisney's ever-changing systems once again put me in B (as I've been for every Disneyland Half since my first in 2010)?

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